The Center for an Informed America

The Internet’s Best Source for Disinformation-Free News and Commentary

September 11, 2001 Revisited: Act IV, Part IV

ACT IV: PART IV There are, by my count, four different conspiracy theories that seek to explain what happened to United Airlines Flight 93 on the morning of September 11, 2001. In no particular order, these four theories are as follows: Flight 93 plowed into the...

September 11, 2001 Revisted: Act IV, Part V

ACT IV: PART V Of course, in 2001, Internet conspiracy theories are hardy shocking. What is surprising is this: Go to Shanksville and the surrounding farm fields where people actually saw or heard the jetliner go down at roughly 10:06 that morning and there are a...

September 11, 2001 Revisited: Act IV, Part VI

ACT IV: PART VI Resolving all the mysteries surrounding the fate of United Airlines Flight 93 will not be an easy task. The biggest problem, alas, is that the events transpired in what could best be described as ‘the middle of fucking nowhere.’ Witnesses were...