Special Report on the Boston Marathon Bombings: Part I
Formerly Titled "The Curious Case of the Man Who Could Only Sit Down" May 7, 2013 The Boston Marathon bombing incident produced an exceedingly bloody, gore-filled scene. We know that because virtually all avenues of the mainstream media, as was obvious from the very...
Special Report on the Boston Marathon Bombings: Part II
May 7, 2013 Moving on now to the next image in the sequence of events, we find Arredondo moving quickly to aid Bauman. Just kidding ... what we actually find him doing is beginning to pull the fence down from the inside, seemingly oblivious to the fact that he is...
Special Report on the Boston Marathon Bombings: Part III
May 14, 2013 There are a number of additional questions raised by the photo evidence that I feel compelled to address here. But first, let's take another look at one image that was presented at the tail end of my last post. You know the one I'm talking about - the one...
Special Report on the Boston Marathon Bombings: Part IV
May 20, 2013 You didn’t think we were done here, did you? Not even close. As it turns out, much to my surprise, I haven’t even thrown some of my best punches yet. We begin, as we did on the last outing, with that image of the two women we are clearly supposed to...
Special Report on the Boston Marathon Bombings: Part V
May 22, 2013 I don’t think that it is any big secret that I am not much of a fan of Fox News. But every once in a while, even Fox lets a little bit of truth slip out, though certainly not intentionally. Take for example a fascinating Youtube clip which features a...
Special Report on the Boston Marathon Bombings: Part VI
May 27, 2013 If the official story of what occurred in Boston on April 15 is true, then there should be no compelling reason for the various victims and responders who have spoken to the media to not be telling the truth. Human memory is, of course, not infallible, so...
Special Report on the Boston Marathon Bombings: Part VII
June 1, 2013 Having reviewed the tales told by many of the most prominent of the victims and responders, I was going to reboot this series and start over from the beginning with the assistance of a set of photos that I previously did not have access to, but I have...
Special Report on the Boston Marathon Bombings: Part VIII
June 5, 2013 So a lot of people on the internet have been working very diligently to steer all of you away from this website. Fintan Dunne over at breakfornews.com, for example, has opened up an entire discussion thread aimed at disparaging anyone who promotes the...
Special Report on the Boston Marathon Bombings: Part IX
June 8, 2013 Joe Quinn, editor over at sott.net, has chosen to pen another attack on this website, and this one is a particularly cowardly one in that he conspicuously avoids identifying who it is that he is attacking. Quinn tries to play it off as though he is...
Special Report on the Boston Marathon Bombings: Part X
June 11, 2013 Before I got distracted, which I will try not to do again, we had left off with the first batch of images from the Thorndike collection. In those images, we could see that there was initially a very dense but very localized cloud of smoke surrounding the...
Special Report on the Boston Marathon Bombings: Part XI
June 13, 2013 It appears that nearly all of my working assumptions concerning what happened in Boston on April 15, 2013 have been proven wrong. Before beginning this journey, I had thought that recent claims that crisis actors have been involved in these type of...
Special Report on the Boston Marathon Bombings: Part XII
June 20, 2013 Before proceeding fearlessly onward, I have a link here to an absolutely must-see video. Entitled Stu Seagall Strategic Operations Video Business Card, it is another video featuring the work of crisis actors for training purposes. It is though much more...
Special Report on the Boston Marathon Bombings: Part XIII
Apparently some of you have actual lives, which means that, unlike me, you haven’t spent countless hours obsessing over the Boston Marathon bombing photos. And because of that, some of you have let me know that you are having trouble locating the areas of the images...
Special Report on the Boston Marathon Bombings: Part XIV
July 1, 2013 Before returning to the last of the Tang images, I have an interesting photo here that I just stumbled across the other day. Pretty much all of the other images that I have seen of the first smoke cloud were taken from the finish line, which offered an...
Special Report on the Boston Marathon Bombings: Part XV
July 12, 2013 Has anyone seen the new NBC television series Siberia? If not, you really should check it out. Not because it is a particularly good show, because it isn’t, but it certainly is an interesting one. The pilot episode is available for viewing on NBC’s...
Special Report on the Boston Marathon Bombings: Part XVI
July 27, 2013 Can anyone remember there ever being so much attention focused on the survivors of a mass-casualty incident in this country? In the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, there was intense media focus on the events of that day for many, many weeks, but...