September 11, 2001 Revisited: Prologue I
Welcome to the New and Improved Police State "We are going to see a great number of articles in the future from so-called experts and public officials. They will warn about more violence, more kidnappings, and more terrorists. Mass media, the armed forces, and...
September 11, 2001 Revisited: Prologue II
Continuing Commentary on the WTC Attacks "Nothing just happens in politics. If something happens you can be sure it was planned that way." Franklin Delano Roosevelt It seems as though more people have been watching the Discovery Channel than the planners of the...
September 11, 2001 Revisited: Prologue III
Welcome to the Fourth Reich Let me see if I understand this situation correctly: in order to wage a war to promote 'freedom' and 'democracy' around the world, it is necessary to sacrifice those very democratic freedoms here at home. That makes perfect sense to me, as...
September 11, 2001 Revisited: Act I
Get comfortable, folks, this one runs a little long ... but there's a lot of cool pictures to look at along the way, especially in Acts II and III. ACT I It's anniversary time once again, dear readers, and that means that it is time to take yet another stroll down...
September 11, 2001 Revisited: Act II, Part I
[Oops: in Act I, I incorrectly identified Ted Olson's wife as Susan Olson, rather than Barbara Olson. I think Susan Olson was actually Cindy Brady, sister of Marcia, Jan, Greg, Peter and Bobby. As far as I know, she was never married to a reactionary member of the...
September 11, 2001 Revisited: Act II, Part II
ACT II, PART II Some websites, however, claim otherwise. Bizarrely enough, some of these same photos are cited elsewhere as evidence that a 757 did crash into the Pentagon. The photo below, for example, supposedly depicts aircraft debris -- and remarkably uncharred...
September 11, 2001 Revisited: Act II, Part III
ACT II, PART III The remarkable photo to the left, taken after a considerable amount of demolition work had been done, reveals an actual cross-section of the three connected rings of the Pentagon. Notice the number of columns and walls that would have to be cleanly...
September 11, 2001 Revisited: Act II, Addendum II
ACT II: ADDENDUM 2 [Editor's Note: A popular hobby of late among some 9-11 researchers seems to involve disparaging the efforts of, and questioning the motives of, those researchers who refuse to ignore the fact that the available evidence is entirely inconsistent...
September 11, 2001 Revisited: Act II, Addendum III
ACT II: ADDENDUM 3 Among 9-11 skeptics, there has been considerable debate over the size of the alleged entry hole that was created by whatever it was that hit the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 (assuming that something did, in fact, hit the Pentagon). More than a...
September 11, 2001 Revisited: Act III, Part I
ACT III: PART I Demolishing a highrise office building that has outlived its usefulness is a daunting task. As a general rule, tall buildings tend to grow in clusters, much like mushrooms, and the owners and occupants of the surrounding buildings usually frown upon...
September 11, 2001 Revisited: Act III, Part II
ACT III, PART II Photographs reveal that when the south tower first began to collapse, it was definitely not in a symmetrical manner. To the contrary, WTC2 first began to collapse in exactly the way that one would expect a tower to collapse after an airplane had...
September 11, 2001 Revisited: Act III, Addendum I
ACT III, ADDENDUM 1 This first missive was sent in by reader Dennis: One website I found helpful in the immediate aftermath of the so-called collapses (at first referred to as being implosion-like, a few times, by unwitting, but visually honest members of the news...
September 11, 2001 Revisited: Act III, Addendum II
ACT III, ADDENDUM II Earlier in this series, I speculated that the World Trade Center towers had very likely outlived their usefulness, if in fact they ever had any. As it turns out, Business Week Online covered that same ground shortly after the attacks, on October...
September 11, 2001 Revisited: Act IV, Part I
ACT IV: PART I We all know the inspiring story of Flight 93, of the heroic passengers who forced the hijacked plane to the ground, sacrificing themselves to save the lives of others. The only trouble is: it may simply not be true ... The shortage of available facts...
September 11, 2001 Revisited: Act IV, Part II
ACT IV: PART II We next turn to the case of the mysterious white military jet that either was circling low and fast over the Shanksville area both before and after the alleged crash of Flight 93 (according to a number of eyewitnesses interviewed independently by...
September 11, 2001 Revisited: Act IV, Part III
ACT IV: PART III Moving on to other aspects of the ‘crash’ of Flight 93, we find that some early reports from the scene made mention of witness accounts of explosions and other unusual noises occurring before Flight 93 went down. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, for...
September 11, 2001 Revisited: Act IV, Part IV
ACT IV: PART IV There are, by my count, four different conspiracy theories that seek to explain what happened to United Airlines Flight 93 on the morning of September 11, 2001. In no particular order, these four theories are as follows: Flight 93 plowed into the...
September 11, 2001 Revisted: Act IV, Part V
ACT IV: PART V Of course, in 2001, Internet conspiracy theories are hardy shocking. What is surprising is this: Go to Shanksville and the surrounding farm fields where people actually saw or heard the jetliner go down at roughly 10:06 that morning and there are a...
September 11, 2001 Revisited: Act IV, Part VI
ACT IV: PART VI Resolving all the mysteries surrounding the fate of United Airlines Flight 93 will not be an easy task. The biggest problem, alas, is that the events transpired in what could best be described as ‘the middle of fucking nowhere.’ Witnesses were...